
Emergency Response Plans

It seems hard to imagine a disaster taking place in our municipality, however, catastrophic events do happen and the Town of Laurentian Hills is prepared for these situations.

The municipality has adopted an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for the Town of Laurentian Hills. The Plan makes provisions for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect public safety, meaning the health, welfare, and property, as well as environmental and economic health of the residents, businesses, and visitors when faced with an emergency beyond normal procedures. The Emergency Response Plan has been developed in order to facilitate a timely and effective mobilization of resources in order to respond to an emergency. Every official, municipal department and agency is prepared to carry out assigned responsibilities in an emergency.

A copy of the Town's Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is available HERE

A copy of the County of Renfrew's Emergency Plan is available HERE


Siren testing will be conducted on the first Sunday of each month at 12 noon for the duration of one minute.  The siren testing tone will mimic the Westminister Chimes sound. 

During a real emergency at Chalk River Laboratories, the sirens will sound to initiate either sheltering, evacuation to the Reception Area at the Deep River Arena, or to sound the All Clear as described below:


Tone         Definition      Duration       


Continuous rising
     and falling sound     

Stay indoors, close all doors and windows.

            Listen to local radio Star 96.0 or CBC FM 92.5            

30 min     


       Continuous Sound       

Leave a potentially dangerous area and follow

traffic directions to Deep River

30 min     

All Clear


 Termination of the emergency

   2 min       

Personal Emergency Management Plans

The Town of Laurentian Hills encourages local businesses and residents to prepare their own Emergency Management Plans. They can help to make sure your family and your employees know what to do before, during and after an emergency situation.

To assist with creating your own Plan, Click HERE for a Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan.

For more information on emergency planning contact:
Emergency Management Ontario
77 Wellesly Street West, Box 222
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3
Phone: 416-314-3723