Effective January 1, 2025 the Baggs Road Depot will no longer accept recyclable materials. This decision aligns with Ontario Regulation 392/21. All items will be collected at the curbside on your scheduled collection day.
Water Testing Bottles - Water Testing bottles are available at 34465 Highway 17 at the front office counter for residents with a well. (8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday) During the months September to April drop off your water samples on Tuesdays only. During the months May to August drop off your water samples on Mondays and Wednesdays only. The day your water is taken it must be submitted the same day. Hand your filled water bottle to the Town office counter at 34465 Highway 17 before 4 pm on the drop off day. Click HERE for Water Sample Instructions.
Deep River and District Community Foundation - Click HERE for their newsletter.
Schoolhouse Museum - Click HERE for more information. Visit their website HERE
Please see the following media release from Renfrew County and District Health – Overdose Alert for Renfrew County and District - HERE
Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) | Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) - Information and Resources for the 2023-24 Respiratory Illness Season - HERE
Senior Friendship Club website HERE
The Upper Ottawa Valley Seniors Friendship Club- February 17 Newsletter HERE
RECORD CHECKS - Effective June 13th 2022. Criminal Record Checks (Level 1 & 2) and Vulnerable Sector Checks - ALL record checks, are now being done online ONLY. Each applicant will have to go to:
Information regarding PLEO - Parents' Lifeline - HERE
Shaw Woods Outdoor Education Centre booklet - HERE
What you need to know to operate an ATV/ORV in Ontario - HERE
Kids Come First (CHEO and partners) 1Call/1Click Mental Health Program - HERE
OPP - ATV/ORV: Ride Smart, Ride Safe - HERE
Dementia Society - FREE Support and Services - HERE Website HERE
Eastern Ontario Businesses Continue to be Targeted by Fraudsters Using Fake Identification and Stolen Credit Cards -HERE
OPP News and Events HERE
Fraudsters Claiming to be CRA information HERE
Notice to Residents - FALSE 911 CALLS HERE
Northern Giant Hornets - Northern giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia) are also known as Japanese giant hornets and have been referred to as ‘murder hornets’ in the media. Information about the northern giant hornet, what they look like and what their status is in North America, in relation to Ontario. Click HERE for more details and choose option 10 to report a sighting.
Lending Hub - The Town currently has the following summer equipment available to lend out to our residents beginning in June - Golf Clubs - Assortment of sizes (children to adult) - Nordic walking poles, pickle ball sets, water mat, kayaks, paddleboards and life jackets. In the winter months the Town has snowshoes in an assortment of sizes. To sign for the equipment you must be 18 years of age and provide proof of ID. The equipment and lending forms are located at the Municipal office 34465 Highway 17 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.